What is a Master Plan?

Bringing data together from every corner of the district to understand the big picture and what we are hoping to accomplish with this Facilities Master Plan.


The development of a facilities master plan for each of the District’s campuses is a comprehensive effort of assessment, analysis and design that addresses the programmatic, operational and maintenance needs identified for each school. This analysis and resulting documentation illustrates the renovation, modernization, expansion and reconfiguration of each campus as required to address the long-term needs identified.

The Process

The master planning process was conducted through a multi-step process intended to address critical aspects of educational planning and its impact on facilities the efficient and relevant design of the District’s campuses:

  • Program Confirmation – A review and validation of critical educational priorities and program information was addressed with district & campus leadership. This program confirmation meeting with the site principal was valuable in the ultimate planning process to assure that the facilities on each campus can accommodate its educational program needs.
  • Facility Condition Assessment – A visual assessment was conducted on each campus to review and validate the program and needs data provided. Review and analysis of as-built plans of each campus also provided excellent data regarding facility needs.
  • Data Analytics – District-wide data was collected to identify other factors important to the assessment of district and community needs:
    - Student Demographics
    - Enrollment Projections
    - State Funding Eligibility
    - Facility Utilization & Equity
  • Campus Site Planning – All relevant data, programming and facility needs identified were compiled into conceptual planning studies for each campus. From this iterative process of collaborative planning, a final campus master plan was developed for each school identifying potential new facilities as well as the need for reconfiguration or modernization of existing facilities as needs suggested.
  • Conceptual Cost Estimating – The implementation of the Facilities Master Plan requires development of conceptual estimates of probable construction and development costs for each campus. This information includes target value costs for building and site development based on current market costs and escalated to a probable timeframe for construction. Soft costs are in addition to construction costs and cover District project management costs such as State agency approval fees (e.g. DSA), engineering, testing, inspection, furniture and equipment, etc. which are outside of the typical construction contract. These costs are included based on the District’s historical project delivery cost data to provide an overall projected Project Cost Budget for each campus.
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Little Lake City School District
Facilities Master Plan